Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reflect, plan and rest

As a part of "Speakers Group" on, a discussion was begun with the question - "In your expert opinion, what do we need to be doing during this last week of 2010 to make ourselves the best we can be in 2011?" I liked the question enough to respond, and I liked my answer enough to share it here with you all.

Reflect, plan and rest. I believe we all need to take time to reflect about 2010 - a) what went well, b) what didn't go well, c) what do I want to improve, d) what dreams do I have - am I dreaming. All these are great things to think about so we can be ready to change in 2011.

Then a) write down your successes and put them somewhere you can remember them for days when you feel like I want to give up; b) forgive yourself for what didn't go right and see if there is something you can change to make it better, c) make a specific plan on how to improve what didn't go well, d) take some time to sit and dream and maybe write the dreams down. But for right now keep the dream(s) tucked in your heart to take out and look over, be strengthened and smile; and, when the time is right, share it and begin to work on it.

Rest - get your body and mind and spirit ready for next year to work. Let it rest. Meditate and spend time with God - preparing your faith for the next fights. 2011 will look better and you'll be ready.

Happy New Year!

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